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The Call of Man The Call of Man

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The Call of Man

Posted by: Apostle Jacob Ballard III on Thu, Jan 14, 2010

...because we obey his commands/commandments and do what please Him.


The call of man sees himself as a steward...
He is obedient rather the ambitious,
Committed rather than competitive,
Witness rather then testify
Humble rather then prideful,
Listen rather then speak,
Follow rather then lead,
Give rather then receive,
Fight rather then surrender,
For him nothing is more important the pleasing the one who called him.

"And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight." 1Jn 3:22

Stewardship is not something a person decides to do after he or she have gotten a title in church or given charge over something, being a steward is being a Christian if you would. When we receive the Holy Ghost, we have become a steward/labor doing God's work and not good work. Not all-good work is God's work, but all God's work is "good work".

When we have the Holy Ghost, who and what we are now should not change. You are Holy Ghost filled in and out of church, home and at work. When the Holy Ghost changes you cannot go back to your old self, the old man has passed away. The Bible declares "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new."
2Co 5:17

Advice not to mix Christianity and business is heresy of the worst kind. A person business, whatever it might be, ought an integrated and integral part of his Faith; it either complements or opposes one's spiritual stance. God will not make you an apple; for you go to work and be an are what you are. What the Holy Ghost is likening unto is putting leaven into bread and then trying to take it out. You are now what you are...a "steward of God".

You cannot separate what you have from who you are, nor who you are by what you have, but ultimately by whom you are to Christ Jesus.

Receive now the spirit of the word for Correction, Instruction and Direction (C.I.D.).


Apostle Jacob Ballard III

   Discussion: The Call of Man
Minister Vaughn · 14 years ago
Amen. This is so true. And the anology of putting leaven into bread and trying to take it out, is of course impossible. Often times people say that business and God should not co-exist but God is in everything for those who embraces Gods priniciples. If I go to work and take God out than my interactions will be Godless and my work will be Godless and all that would make me Godless. But I wake up with the Lord and go to work with the Lord and to church with God so that in all I do it is God.

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